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memeplayer turns a regular canvas into a full featured meme editor.



$ bower install memeplayer

You will need polyfills for HTML5 Fetch and ES6 Promises. I recommend Github's fetch polyfill and Jake Archibald's promise polyfill. Additionally, if you need to run in IE9, you need a polyfill for WindowBase64 for converting images to and from base 64.


$ npm install memeplayer

Like with the Bower installation, you'll need to polyfill Fetch and Promises before you can start using MemePlayer, as well as WindowBase64 if IE9 support is required.


var MemePlayer = require('memeplayer');

Node with node-canvas

MemePlayer will include all necessary polyfills. Just require it and you're good to go. Instead of initializing it with an HTMLCanvasElement from the DOM, you initialize it with a Canvas instance from node-canvas.

var MemePlayer = require('memeplayer'),
  Canvas = require('canvas');

var player = new MemePlayer(new Canvas(500, 500), 500, 500);

Stuff It Can Do

  • Draw text over an image macro.
  • Export base64 image data for further processing.
  • Works with JPG, PNG and animated GIF (!)

For all the gritty details, refer to the API docs.

Live Example